We help the families to pay school fees for the children. A lot of times you find families with only a single mother or grandmother who has to take care of an average of 5 (grand)children. They don’t have a job and therefore no source of income. We help the families to pay the school fees for the children, we have meetings with the teachers at school, we check if the children are really attending classes and we help the children with their homework.
Problems our vulnerable families have to deal with often stem from a lack of knowledge.By bringing the families together, providing counseling and sharing experiences, we hope the families will try to change their way of life, and protect their children. We discuss family planning, HIV/Aids, and a healthy life-style within their means.
We come together on a regular basis with teenage girls in the slums to talk about their rights. These girls are considered to be an especially vulnerable group within the community.
Income generating projects for families
These projects empower local families by providing income-generating projects and create small-scale developmental projects in the community. This is a self-sustaining source of income.
For example we give families animals to start farming, and give them materials to make crafts.
We work in the slums of Kampala. The slums of Kampala are home to more than a thousand street children. Day and night children deal with the dangers of street life. Hunger, violence, addictions, accident, and sometimes even murder. Regularly we set up an outreach in the slums. We provide food, drinks, clothing, provide medical treatment, counsel, do bible study, and play sports and games.
Children playtime
Once a week we have children playtime in the slum. Playtime for children is a very important part of a child’s development. But the circumstances (the environment and their families) for our children don’t give the children the opportunity to enjoy playing. We go to the children with toys and the children are really enjoying playing new sports, games, and playing together. We pay particular attention to disabled children who are oftentimes being hidden inside their parental houses. We encourage them to play together with other children.
Home visiting and helping families with their basic needs
Every week we visit homes in the slums. We do this to get to know people in the hope that it will open up communication between the families and us. In order to help the families we aim to develop a combination of mutual trust and connectedness.
We try to help families with their basic needs, by giving out food, drinks, clothing, and medicine.