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Our mission


Hope, Care and Love Uganda is operating with 5 committed young people with a heart of helping vulnerable people. They work on complete voluntary basis because of passion and commitment to the target group. At first we were operating in the slum focused on the street children. One day during a slum outreach we found a street boy called Ssentongo. He was very sick, fighting for his life. We took him to the hospital and after recovering, we brought him back to his family. We found his family in a very bad situation. His mother is staying alone with 7 children and she was pregnant. That visit was an eye-opener for us. The work we do in the slums is helping street children but it’s not solving the problem. The cause of the big amount of street children starts in the vulnerable families. Children leave their families in search of better lives, which a lot of times end in illusion. That’s why we decided to go a step further and focus on the vulnerable families as well.



To empower vulnerable children and families through promoting their welfare both qualitatively and quantitatively.



To reclaim, sensitize and develop the social and economic welfare of our target group.



  • To advocate the right of girls in the community

  • To contribute in education for sustainable development

  • To create greater commitment for disabled children

  • To provide basic needs for daily living for the vulnerable families

  • To create income generating projects for the families we help

Core values

  • Commitment

  • Equivalence

  • Mutual trust

  • Open mindedness











© 2016 by Hope, care and love

​​Call us:



The Netherlands: +31650294664

Bank account:

IBAN: NL07RABO0316633925

STG Hope Care Love Uganda

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